Why do I Love Birth and Newborn Photography?
I have four children of my own, and I can still remember everything about the first time each of them were placed in my arms: the way the light played across the room, the smell of freshly birthed child, the weight of their warm bodies heavy on top of my newly-hollowed belly. I remember thinking that nothing in the entire world has ever been so beautiful, and that no moment has ever mattered more than that exact moment- the moment I beheld my child for the first time.
I don’t have any photographs of me nursing my firstborn and offering her comfort for hours on end while she felt hungry during a growth spurt. I don’t have any photographs of my second child making the same quizzical expression he makes today, years later. I don’t have photographs of me holding my third child and snuggling her because she soothed my soul. I don't have photographs of me lavishing in the love of four unique human beings that I nourished and brought into this world when my fourth child was brand new. I didn’t have anyone to memorialize those moments for me. My children only have my words to know how unique my love for them could be.
That is why I want to give you and your family this gift. I want to give you timeless images to display the depth and complexities of the relationship between you and your child. Whether this is your first, your eleventh, or somewhere in between, your relationship with this child is unique and it deserves to be preserved. Every child deserves to have this legacy, and every mother deserves to have those precious first few moments displayed with pride for all the world to see how deep and far-reaching her love for her child can be.
You will memorize every detail of your child’s life. It is your right, your privilege, and your duty.
You will memorize. I will memorialize.